Tuesday, February 2, 2010

100 and me..

this is a story of me and a hundred ringgit. my father is the chairperson of our neighbourhood community. he was selected obviously because he looks pious, and he initiated the community thing, and the first meeting was held at my house. so, he was chosen, and he is still in the office now.

our neighbourhood is very much new, and seriously, if u stop by in front of the main gate, (gerbang) u would take a second to register the logic of the 'gerbang', whether u have got the right place or u mistakenly got urself in a chinese cemetery area, seriously. the gerbang looks like there's a cemetery inside!

i feel like launching a picket to force the developer to replace the gerbang with something better. argh!

ok. then, we have unanimously decided to hire a security company to provide security to our neighbourhood, since there were many frightening and threatening robbery cases in daylight reported. one of the victim was injured, but he is lucky to be alive, seriously.

the company takes 100 per house for 24 hours security. if we want half-day, it is 50. so, we take 50 for night guards only. but they carry their job profusely, and i can see their determination in working. i salute them.

but one day, i asked my mum.this was before i get to know this whole thing about the payment.my mum told me that some houses failed to comply and pay monthly to the treasurer of the committee.

me: 50 pun x bleh byr ke? dah la half day je. bukannya bnyk pun. (disagreement)
mum: diorg bukan keja bagus pun. lagipun, yang x bleh byr tu, isteri dia x keja. dia saja. (my mum started to compromise.)
me: setakat 50 je. kalau full, 100 eh?
mum: haah.
me: alah. setakat 100. ckit je. 2 pun x nak.
mum: 100 N**** kata ckit? ish, tinggi taste N****...
me: (groans) 100 tu bleh habis sehari je. but for monthly 24-hours security, worth it la. bukannya mahal mana pun. drpd habis ke benda lain...
mum: bagi ummi banyak tau seratus tu.
me: monologue: seratus tu aku boleh habis dlm masa sejam je.
mum: ummi boleh beli makanan utk rumah untuk seminggu, boleh buat mcm2 lg dgn seratus tu. N**** dh biasa sgt berbelanja bnyk dgn Cik ***a. sebab tu dah tak rasa seratus tu bnyk.
me: (tried to cover my fault) cik ***a tu ada duit, dia belilah macam2. lagipun, bukan selalu dia belanja banyak.
mum: x selalu? hari tu, masa ummi p sana abang sakit, hari2 dia pegi pasar, skali pegi habis 2-300.dia beli buah macam2.
me: dah diorg kena bnyk mkn buah, dia beli la.
mum: yelah, tapi tengoklah buah yang dia beli, anggur, epal, yg mahal2 punya buah. sebab dia punya buying power tinggi. mcm ummi, even if kena mkn bnyk buah pun, i can only manage to buy cheap fruits.sekali-sekala saja. x bleh selalu.
me: yelah... (i dont know why couldnt i just stop rebutting my mum's point, but in the end, i kept speaking rubbish and until now, the remorse feeling still haunted me)

so, in a nutshell, for me, a hundred is synonymous to a 10. living in shah alam, 100 ringgit can only last u for 4 days, the most. if u pay 4 ur food on ur own, and u eat regularly and normally.

seriously. thats why for me a hundred is nothing. i can spend a hundred and yet, i can never trace where the money went to.

some possible reasons of why for me 100 is nothing:

  1. the standard of living in shah alam is inevitably high
  2. my taste has been nurtured to conform with my lust of buying food
  3. i'm a big spender
  4. i dont mind spending though i dont know later where the money goes
  5. i'm not stingy
  6. i love food, and they love me too
  7. my life style has changed since i come to shah alam (i went to the movies, i eat unreasonably expensive food to taste them)
  8. i dont feel like wasting money at all
  9. i cant save bcoz if i do, it means one thing, i have to fast.
  10. i'm lazy to fast everyday.
  11. i love to enjoy my life
  12. the feeling to be ingroup makes me spend more to join others.
basically, my reasons are all despicable. hahaha. thats why for me, 100 is nothing. try me with 1000. i will consider writing about it later.hahaha

p/s: the high standard of living in shah alam is seriously suicidal! thats why i cant wait to leave shah alam once i finish my degree. i would feel happier and better in terms of financial of i stay in kedah. seriously. cant wait to go home! theres seriously no place like home!


  1. you're right najah.
    100 dah tak rasa ape2 kalau duduk di s.alam, sama juga if u stay at skudai (uni n s'pore factor).

    stay kat utara and believe me u can get a nasi lemak for 0.30 sen. tapi taste tetap sama :)

  2. hahahaha.betul3! tp nasi lemak 30 kupang sy dh lama x jumpa.paling murah 70 sen la..huhu..but still murah lg dr shah alam.yg biasa je dh 1.20..huhu
