Thursday, February 4, 2010

kambing and I

this n3 is not about how am i related to kambing or how interested i am in kambing and vice versa. i dont even know whether the whole lot of family goat know me. goat and i were infamously and disapprovingly related when i was in form 2 in a school in perak.

like i said in the previous entry, i tried hard to forget my past. this entry would be about one unforgettable memory out of many unforgettable and bad memories i had while i was schooling there.

i think this was when i was in form 2, one of my friends worked in the cooperation. my school was a private religious school(agama rakyat). form 1-3 students are separated in class by gender. we never mixed.i dont know if that pattern is still being followed now since the school has become a SBPK (Sekolah Bantuan Penuh Kerajaan) or something like that. i cant remember the actual term.

only when we are in form 4 and 5 that we will be in a mixed class. therefore, its unusual for normal students to have friends from the opposite sex in the school during those days. but since my friend work in the cooperation during recess and weekend, she had the chance to communicate with the boys and therefore, she got updated about the boys' current issues. whats happening, who's dating, who's admiring, who's got names, and so on.

i was our batch's top girl since i always got the first place in my class in exam, and i got famous in no time since i went into the school. but for the whole form, i always stayed second. the first in the form was a boy, and i hate him, till today. i will tell u about this brat later. our school had 4 exams a year. for 10 exams (for the whole term when i was there), i managed to outshine him only once.

since i was the first girl, and he was the first boy, people tended to instigate things between us, and things got worse bcoz we never befriended each other, and he was the leader behind the whole instigation thing! (is that prejudice?)

and the people knew, i think all knew that we were enemies, and we are till now. at least, thats one thing i'm confident about.

and this kambing thing started when i was walking back from school one day to the hostel. i was passing the musolla. (the musolla and the canteen is actually a single 2-storey building. upper level is for musolla and ground floor is the canteen). suddenly i heard a sound. the imitated sound of goat. i looked up, and i could see the curtains moving, as if someone was there and he left hurriedly. i thought that was an accident. means that the person was inadvertently making the sound of goat and it happened to be me passing there. so i ignored the incident. but later, i noticed that where ever i went, to the canteen, to the dining hall, even when i was walking through the isle to the office or to the guard post, i would hear the imitation of goat sound. i was very curious. was this sound made to tease me?

and of course, i have to ask the one who had the connection to the boys. and she confirmed it. they purposely did it. i was very mad, but i dont know what to do. and what kept lingering in my mind was why did they did that? was it because of something i did and they saw it, and it happened to resemble goat or something? i dont know, and until now, i'm still curious. and angry too. who wouldnt?

u were eating, and then u heard the unpleasant sound. u were walking, and u heard it again. u went anywhere, u would hear it. how was i not angry? i was embarrassed too bcoz it seemed that everybody in the form knew (i hope it was just my feeling).

unfortunately, i could do nothing, and i was very mad at this boy. i dont know what's their motive to do so. the only thing i know was if it concerns me, theres only one person who had the power to initiate or instigate something like this. him. bear in mind, i hate him bot bcoz he was the cleverest in the form (in that case, i salute him) but its because of his attitude.

so, i think it is best to conclude that the kambing is him.hahaha.fair enough. i had bad memories bcoz of him, uncountable bad memories! and frankly speaking, schooling here is the worst part of my life.seriously. thats why when i moved out in form 4 (I'M THANKFULLY RELIEVED I MOVED OUT), i heard he moved out too.

for the first year after i moved out, i still visited the school twice if i'm not mistaken, since i still have friends there. but during form 5, i had decided to forgo everything about the school, and i heard in newspapers and also from my father that the school was going through an administration turmoil and the former principal was going to be kicked out of the admin. i respect him, and i regret the despicable decision and the people who started it, though i'm not clear about the perpetrators. only one or two, and these were my favourite teachers when i was there.

i have decided to keep quiet, and keep myself away from the school or my friends.after that. i dont even want to remember schooling there. it hurts a lot. in friendster (before FB is in the office), i initially avoided my friends on purpose.i have them in my friend list, but i never sent testimonials, messages or so on. only on their birthday i guess. and when i entered uitm, some of them, in fact many of them are here. we met twice, and thats bcoz i am among the first to be here, so they are kind of looking up to me.but i never befriend the boys. only one. and thats because we were in the same class together during primary school, but it was only for 2 years before he moved out. but we remembered each other. some of them added me, and i accepted the request. but i never 'associate' with them.

and this guy, one day, visited my page and left me a testi. but in the end, we ended up arguing in words! finally, i had to block him when he started writing foul words and cursing.i dont know. was it my fault? duh! whatever!

in conclusion, i hate kambing.

p/s: if my friends happen to read this, its not that i dont want to treasure u all in my sweet memories, but its hard for me. i'm sorry...

p/s again: one day, i called a friend in UIA and in the middle of our conversation, she talked about this kambing. when the call ended, i realized that thats the worst call i ever did in my whole entire life.its bcoz she talked about him.


  1. Dik Ana,
    Kenapa Rasululullah dan para nabi dahulu kala memelihara kambing, bukan lembu, bukan juga unta? Kerana kambing punya macam-macam karenah. Selalu lari dari kumpulan. Punya sikap yang sering mencabar rasa hati. Bila berjaya mengembala kambing maka semakin tinggilah tahap kesabaran dan tinggi daya imiginasi untuk mengatasi kerenah kambing. Ia juga mengajar kita cara berdiplomasi. Akak tahu, sebab dulu-dulu, akak juga mengembala kambing. Memang susah. Tapi perlu juga kita ingat yang kambing ini senang membiak, jadi senang hidup senang. Jangan juga dilupa, susu kambing is the best susu selepas susu ibu!!! Oleh itu, bersabarlah dengan 'kambing' yang satu itu. Tak mahu nanti, 'kambing' yang dibenci itulah yang jadi soulmate kita... he he he.. macam dalam novellah pulak....

  2. hahahaha...akak nak tau tak, cerpen Kau Penawarku tu act sy dpt ilham dr kisah sy sndiri ni...hehehehe..cuma diubah jln ceritanya je...

    mintak simpanglah akak....serius x nak...huhuhu...smoga dia bukan jodoh sy..hahaha...kwn sy pun ada bela kambing.hehehe

  3. i checked his fb tp x boleh bukak gambar. hehe hope u dont mind me checking his fb :DD
    tp dari apa yg akak cerita, dia pny attitude mmg asdghlkh la haha. kak, sy ada satu soalan. dia pnah ckp sorry x? >:)

  4. hmm..jap sy dia bg comment kat frenster tuh ada, tp gaya sorry dia tu, camana nk ckp eh, cam agak arrogant la. (mandai je ckp,hahaha!) tp tu la.pas2 yg gaduh teruk tu.coz akak ckp, "i'll put that into consideration". pas2 dia hangin terus.hahaha. (is that my fault? whatever!) haha

  5. hehe. ramai jer org berlagak mcm tu
    memang menggeramkan

  6. adakah sy dh menyebarkan ajaran sesat di sini? (sy sntiasa risau kalau sy cuma berfikir yg xbaik sedangkan dia x pk cm2 pun) TAPI DIA MEMANG JAHAT. wakaka!

  7. argh,ade gak orang camtuh
    ~sigh heavily~
    but thats right mmg ade
    oh if it was me,smpai lubang ulat i cari taw nape
    or i get straight to the boy
    hi,im ur fan in ur other blog
    sorry for interrupting here

  8. x kesah la cik khairunnisa.if sy x nk org masuk blog ni, sy xkan bg link di blog lain.hehehehe

    tp mslhnya sy ni, susah nk face to face dgn org. bg sy, buang masa je..lgpun, we never talked, NICELY. so, susah la sy nk ckp dgn dia tetiba.and sy risau if sy ckp bebaik, tetiba dia mainkan saya plak. guys mostly cm2 kan? huhu

  9. guess what ana??that 'kambing' is my skool-mate masa f4 n f5.rasa mcm nk gelak guling2 tgk FB dia yg appear when i clicked 'kambing'. 1 more ana,kita penah 1 skool rupanya masa f1.1 was in that skool too(for few days only). x sangka ana dr sana gak.hehe.

  10. oh my..hahahahahaha..gelak guling2? u skool mana ek? anyway, if u happen to befriend him, dont let him know about me! hahahahahaha.... maybe kita pernah kenal. hahaha.if u ada ym, add me, bleh citer pnjg. hehehe..

    nice meeting u dear!

  11. haha.kecilnya dunia ni.ok,will add u nnti..insyaallah. maybe we can share lots of thing(other than the kambing's story).hehe..

    nice meeting u too gurl! :D

  12. en busy neh. hahahah...x smpt nk mencoret...novel sy pun pyh nk update skrg.huhuhu

  13. ANA...

  14. anonym,

    i've been getting that advice lots of times, and i've been extra careful about that. its not hatred i think, but more to avoidance and prevention.hahaha.

    thanks for the reminder anyway!
