Thursday, September 9, 2010

Selamat Hari Raya!!




my first time celebrating raya without family.

and the weird thing is they're not here.

they went overseas.


my mum's hometown.


this time, last day of ramadhan, it feels really different..

usually, i wont have time 2 surf the net.

we would be very busy preparing the meal, the table for food, the plates, spoons, forks, glasses,
new clothes...

but right now, i'm surfing the net, freely, no one ordering me to look after the food cooking on stove, ironing clothes, preparing plates, food cases, jars for kuih raya.

and sadly, my bro and i dont even know what to eat tomorrow in the morning of Aidilfitri.

we are planning to buy something, and if i feel like cooking, maybe i'll prepare soto.


its just the two of us.

now we have to plan our way for tomorrow.

whose house to go...

of course our main aim is to grab food as much as possible since we dont prepare any.


right now, they will be very busy preparing food, plates, carpets, tables, drinks, clothes, while chatting merrily and nagging each other...

looks like this time around my raya would be very different. no family pictures, no 'sesi bersalaman' and 'duit raya' (I WANT DUIT RAYA!), no jokes on food, no pics with newborn cous, nephews and nieces, and obviously, NO FUN!

sob! sob! sob!


  1. how come leh jd camni..takkan mak kau balik kg tak tinggalkan tips nak mkn apa di pg raya.hoho.pi lah sabah!

  2. huhuhu...seriously x de pun tips nk mkn pagi raya. tp aku tau la buat soto. ingat nk buat soto je. bnyk ko punya duit. coz duit x dek la kami tertinggal kat kedah. huhuhu.... xpe2. hujung tahun aku pegi sabah. kenduri cousin. beli tiket awal, murah la. huhuhu

  3. hahaha..najah meh dtg kelantan. meh..aku ade byk mknn. meh la..wat keje gile skali skale..hehe

  4. huhuhu..nini, penang pun aku x pegi, inikan nk ke kelate. aku demam ni....huhuhuhu
